The other day I was on lunch from work. I got a coffee and a muffin, strolled to the corner and sat on the bench to watch cars go by. One fellow was staring rather intently at me from his car as he pulled around the corner. He got out of his car in a hurry and headed in my direction. I thought to myself..."I could take him." To my surprise he didn't want to start anything with me, he just wanted to know if I'd be on that bench for a couple more minutes. I said that I was planning on it and he strolled back to his car, returning with a really big friggin camera. He asked me if it would be ok for him to take a few pictures of me, I said "sure" and he asked that I just go about my business as if he weren't there. So I sat there, trying not to be self conscious, watching the cars go by and sipping my coffee. When I was nearly done with my coffee he thanked me for letting him take the pictures, explained he'd been waiting for quite some time to find someone sitting on that particular bench as the sun was getting low, and told me the picture may be in tomorrow's Boomerang. I figured it would be somewhere in the middle or near the community page, but the next day I get a call from my mom asking If I had seen the paper. Apparently the picture was on the front page and it turned out quite nicely. That photographer had a pretty good eye, the bricks on the building behind me were a really nice color at that time of day.
As it is the picture belongs to the Boomerang, so I can't really steal it and post it here, but this is the link to it!!!
You look very business like.
Either that, or a mafia soldier waiting outside a building to whack someone on their way to their car...
That photo is really cool! I bet they would let you have one seeing as you are the subject.
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