Wednesday, January 9, 2008

little bit of news

So, lots of things have been going on and I have not been blogging one wit about any of them. i'll try and catch up on some of the recent events of my life.

First off, I have moved into an apartment with my girlfriend. I will post some pics later after we have cleaned a bit. The only problem is that the roomy we were supposed to have bailed out on us...making the rent higher and taking the bulk of our pots and pans...that dirty cunt.

Second on the list is work related. Just yesterday I turned in a job bid for a promotion at work. The position I applied for is called Process Specialist. Basically what that job entails is helping everyone else do their job right. I think I have a fair chance since I have plenty of experience in explaining shit to people from being a tutor so many years, and the boss man handed me the application personally and said "here apply for this".

In the tertiary spot, I have been modifying my appearance of late. The holiday pounds have been getting on my nerves and so I have been working out a lot in my home. Pull-ups and hoola hooping have been at the top of the list. I have also gone back to the way short hair look. I may add pics of that later.

And the fourth thing on my list is the courses I'm taking this semester. The first is nothing special. I'm taking psychology again to raise my grade. I am also taking Interpersonal communication. That class may prove to be fun. One course is mwf the other is ttr and both start at like 11 and they end around 12 which is really cool.

So thats my lame ass life for now. ttyl


MightyMightyMax said...

For a second there I thought this was going to be an engagement post ;)

Linus said...

Dirty cunts are bad.