Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Not sure If I'm cool enough for them or whatever.

A little while ago I bought some glasses online. You might remember me talking about it, if you don't well scroll down you nonce. Right now I can't show you how they look, because I was stupid and let the batteries run out on my camera. I'll be sure to get a pic up as soon as I can. In the meantime let me tell you, they are not what I was expecting. They are actually larger than the websites measurements and they don't look like I thought they would. That said, I can't really decide if they're bad or not, they're just not what I expected. I may send them back, or I may keep them, since the prescription is right. I don't know if I'm brave enough to wear them in front of strangers before my friends get a chance to see me in them. They look to me like glasses that a person has to "pull off". Like some people can pull of wearing white after labor day, but most can't. I fear by wearing them I might look like I'm trying to make a statement about myself, like those emo kids in their standard issue thick framed square glasses. Oh well, I guess I'll try them out for a while, just for kicks.

1 comment:

Linus said...

The question is, do YOU like them? If you do, wear them, and fuck the rest of the world.