With regard to my health, or rather the health of my finger, things are going well. It is still a little chubby looking, but I have regained about 50% of the original movement, and using it is becoming increasingly easier. The feeling is dull, I'm not even sure if it's there or not. While the physical therapist says it is unlikely that I will regain more than 70% of the movement in the finger, she also mentioned a guitarist who through constantly working on it regained all of his finger movement. I will get my finger back.
Also of note, I finally got my diploma in the mail. To be honest, it's even more disappointing than I thought it would be. The paper is not as stiff or as thick as I had hoped. It is much plainer than I had imagined. Yeah, what a fucking jip.
Although it has nothing to do with my degree, I now have gainful employment. It's nothing to really brag about. The job is at StarTek. The pay seems good though, the hours were nice and flexible, and I wont feel bad quiting it to go to dental hygiene training.
I think I'll add more tomorrow, for now I am out of steam.
I well remember my diploma disappointment... Congratulations anyway!
Good luck with the finger eh. Oh, and congrats on the degree...
Speaking of which, thanks for posting that in high-rez, I've always wanted a degree in Molec-Bio... muahahahahah
j/k :P
Did it at least come with some nice binding for display?
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